How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (2024)

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How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (1)Want to hem pants yourself for the perfect fit?

First, determine your desired length and gather pants, pins, scissors, and a sewing machine or needle and thread.

Carefully unpick the original hem, then pin and measure the new length while wearing shoes.

Cut off the excess fabric, leaving a seam allowance.

For a machine hem, sew close to the folded edge, adjusting settings as needed.

Or opt for hand-sewing with an invisible stitch.

Press, secure loose threads, and voila – perfectly hemmed pants!

Follow along to achieve professional-looking results every time.

Table Of Contents

  • Key Takeaways
  • How to Hem Pants?
  • Pre-Hemming Considerations
    • Determine Hem Length
    • Gather Supplies
    • Unpick Original Hem
  • Pinning and Measuring
    • Pin Pants to Desired Length
    • Measure and Mark Trimming Line
    • Cut Excess Fabric
  • Hand-Sewing Hem
    • Thread Needle and Secure Thread
    • Take Large and Small Stitches
    • Secure Hem at Side Seam
  • Machine-Sewing Hem
    • Measure, Cut, Press, and Pin Hem
    • Sew Close to Folded Edge
  • Finishing Touches
    • Measure and Press Hem
    • Ensure Hem is Secure
  • Measuring and Marking
    • Mark Desired Length
    • Cut Off Excess Fabric
    • Press Raw Edge Under
  • Folding and Pinning
    • Fold Hem to Inside
    • Press and Pin Hem
  • Machine Hemming
    • Use Invisible Hem Stitch
    • Set Stitch Length and Width
    • Place Fabric Under Machine
  • Hand Hemming
    • Use Needle and Thread
    • Catch Few Fibers With Each Stitch
    • Practice on a Scrap
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Key Takeaways

  • Hemming pants yourself is like being your own personal tailor – you get to call all the shots for that perfect, customized fit. Plus, you’ll feel a real sense of accomplishment every time you rock those hand-hemmed beauties.
  • It’s all about preparation, my friend. Gathering the right tools, determining your desired length (don’t forget those killer heels!), and taking the time to properly mark and measure – that’s what separates a so-so hem from a jaw-droppingly flawless one.
  • There’s an art to the hand-sewn hem – think of it as painting a masterpiece, one tiny stitch at a time. With a little practice, you’ll be whipping up invisible stitches that would make a seasoned seamstress green with envy.
  • And for the machine mavens out there, dialing in those stitch settings is crucial. But don’t worry, once you’ve got it down, you’ll be zipping through hems like a race car driver on the Autobahn. Talk about a wardrobe game-changer!

How to Hem Pants?

To hem pants, first measure and mark the desired length, then fold and pin the excess fabric to the inside. Next, sew close to the folded edge using a machine or by hand with an invisible stitch.

Pre-Hemming Considerations

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (2)
Start by determining the desired hem length based on your preference and the shoes you’ll be wearing with the pants. Then, gather the necessary supplies: the pants themselves, pins, an iron, scissors, a tape measure, and a sewing machine if you plan to machine sew the hem.

Determine Hem Length

To determine the ideal hem length, consider your footwear and preferred style. A longer hem complements heels, while a shorter hem works for flats. Measure your inseam and take into account hem allowance to achieve the desired leg length. Ultimately, the hem should enhance your body and style preferences.

Gather Supplies

With the desired length in mind, gather these core supplies: pants, needle, matching thread, pins, measuring tape, and fabric scissors for trimming. For thick fabrics like denim, grab a heavy-duty needle and topstitching thread. Having the right tools prepped makes perfect hemming a cinch.

Unpick Original Hem

If the pants already have a hem, you’ll need to unpick it carefully using:

  • A seam ripper or small, sharp scissors
  • Patience and care to avoid damaging the fabric
  • A flat, stable surface to work on

Take your time and don’t rush this step – removing the original hem is essential for achieving a clean, professional-looking new hem.

Pinning and Measuring

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (3)
To begin hemming your pants, pin the pant leg to your desired length while wearing shoes. Measure 2 inches above the pinned line and mark this as your trimming line on the inside of the pants with a fabric pencil or chalk.

Pin Pants to Desired Length

With pants on and desired shoes, pin along inseams at your perfect length – pins facing inward. For a blind hem stitch by hand, pin 2" above. For a machine blind hem, pin 1" above.

Hem TypePin Placement
Hand Sewn2" above hem
Machine1" above hem
BlindFacing inward

Measure and Mark Trimming Line

Measure 2 inches above pinned line for:

  1. 1-inch hem
  2. 1 inch above for 1/2-inch hem

Mark trimming line inside pants with:

  1. Fabric marking pencil
  2. Tailor’s chalk

Ensure evenness around entire leg circumference.

Cut Excess Fabric

With a sharp pair of fabric scissors, carefully cut along your marked cutting line, allowing for a 1/2-inch seam allowance.

Trim the raw edge evenly, following the line you chalked.

Take care not to cut too much – it’s better to leave a bit of extra length, as you can always trim more off later if needed for that perfectly custom folded hem.

Hand-Sewing Hem

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (4)
To begin hand-sewing the hem, thread a needle with polyester thread that matches the color of your pants. Secure the thread at the side seam just above where you want the hem to be.

Take a large stitch through the folded hem and a small stitch on the pant leg. Repeat this sequence of alternating large and small stitches as you work your way around the pant leg.

Thread Needle and Secure Thread

Thread the needle with polyester thread matching your pants. Secure the thread at the side seam above the hemline. Adjust stitch length for blind stitching.

  • Practice on a scrap for invisible hems
  • Proper technique guarantees a secure, long-lasting hem
  • Mastery comes through repetition and patience

Take Large and Small Stitches

Take a large stitch through the folded hem, then a small stitch catching just a few threads on the pant leg. Alternate large and small stitches, adjusting stitch length, thread color, and needle type for best results based on fabric texture. Hand-sewing offers precision control over machine hemming.

Secure Hem at Side Seam

Secure the hem by taking several reinforcing stitches at the side seam using a needle and thread that matches the pants’ color. This blind stitch finish will lock in the hem, ensuring secure stitching that blends seamlessly.

Machine-Sewing Hem

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (5)
To machine-sew the hem, first measure, cut, press, and pin the hem as described in the previous steps. Then, place the pant leg around the free arm of your sewing machine and sew close to the folded edge, using a straight stitch.

Measure, Cut, Press, and Pin Hem

Measure, mark, and cut excess fabric, leaving 1.5-2" for your hem. Press the raw edge under:

  1. Fold under 5/8"
  2. Fold under 1 7/8" more
  3. Pin in place

Choose a sewing machine needle and thread suited to your fabric type. Prepare your machine, adjusting stitch length if needed. With pants inside-out, pin the folded hem evenly around each leg’s circumference, ready for stitching.

Sew Close to Folded Edge

Set your machine to a straight stitch, adjusting the stitch length and thread tension for your fabric type.

Using the correct needle size is essential – too thick for lightweight fabrics can damage the material.

Position the pant leg on the machine’s free arm, aligning the folded hem with the needle.

Slowly sew close to the folded edge, ensuring a consistent hem allowance.

Finishing Touches

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (6)
After you’ve finished sewing the hem, carefully measure the entire circumference to guarantee the hem is even all the way around. Press the newly sewn hem firmly using an iron to give the pants a neat, crisp finish and help set the stitches.

Measure and Press Hem

Once you’ve machine or hand-sewn the hem, carefully measure and press for evenness. Verify:

  • Hem length is consistent all around
  • No tucks or bunching along stitching line
  • Fabric lies flat with crisp folds
  • Zig-zag or blind stitches aren’t visible
  • Thread tails are trimmed close to fabric

A well-pressed hem elevates the professional look of your handiwork. Take pride in those neat, crisp folds – the hallmark of impeccable hemming.

Ensure Hem is Secure

After measuring and pressing, verify that your hem is secure. Inspect for gaps, missed stitches, or loose threads – a neat finish is key. Gently tug the hem; it shouldn’t budge. The blind stitch, with even tension, provides durable yet invisible reinforcement. Here’s a quick checklist:

StitchesTight, evenLoose, uneven
ThreadSecure endsFrayed knots
HemFlat, alignedPuckered, crooked

With care and attention to detail, your DIY hemmed pants will look professionally crafted.

Measuring and Marking

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (7)
To begin hemming pants, mark the desired length while wearing the pants along with the shoes you’ll be pairing them with. Once the length is marked, cut off the excess fabric leaving about 2.5 inches below the marked line.

Mark Desired Length

With the wearer trying on the pants and shoes, mark the desired hem length on each leg using tailor’s chalk or a fabric pencil. Consider:

  1. Wearer’s preference
  2. Fabric choice
  3. Footwear
  4. Hem style

Mark evenly around each leg for a professional finish.

Cut Off Excess Fabric

Cut off the excess fabric. Leave 1 1/2 – 2 inches of fabric below your desired hem length for seam allowance. For machine hemming, cut along the chalk line you marked earlier. If hand-sewing a blind stitch hem, leave a little extra fabric to tuck under neatly.

Press Raw Edge Under

With the excess fabric removed, fold and press the raw edge under precisely. Create clean, sharp creases:

  • Fold the raw edge under about 5/8 inches
  • Press to set the first crease (Crease A)
  • Fold under again 1 and 7/8 inches
  • Press to create the second crease (Crease B)

    Careful fabric preparation guarantees a professional-looking hem, whether hand-sewing or machine-sewing.

Folding and Pinning

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (8)
Fold the hem to the inside of the pants leg so that the crease created by the initial fold is facing inside.

While the crease left by the second fold is sticking up.

After folding the hem neatly, press it lightly with an iron.

Place pins all the way around the leg opening to hold the folded hem in place.

Fold Hem to Inside

Fold the hemmed edge to the inside, aligning crease B inside and crease A facing up. Pay attention to the crease alignment for stitch visibility and fabric tension. This folding technique guarantees the hem’s durability and clean finish, whether hand or machine-sewn. Carefully adjust as needed – proper folding is key for professional-looking results.

Press and Pin Hem

Once you’ve folded the hem to the inside, press lightly (Crease C). This sets the fold and prepares it for pinning. Then:

  1. Place pins all around the leg
  2. Space them 2-3 inches apart
  3. Make sure pins are perpendicular to fabric

Pinning takes time but ensures a crisp, even hem. Consider using long quilting pins for easy removal. An extra minute pinning saves frustration when sewing.

Machine Hemming

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (9)
You’ll want to use an invisible hem stitch on your sewing machine for a professional-looking finish. Set the stitch length to 2.5 and the stitch width to 4, then place the fabric under the machine needle with the inner crease facing up, ensuring the straight stitches fall just to the right of the crease while the zig-zag stitches catch the folded edge.

Use Invisible Hem Stitch

Once the hem is folded and pinned, use the invisible hem stitch to secure it. This blind stitch creates a subtle line of stitching along the hem’s edge, keeping the outside looking crisp.

Invisible Hem Stitch

The invisible hem stitch is the mark of a professionally finished garment.

Set Stitch Length and Width

Set your sewing machine:

  1. Stitch length: 2.5
  2. Stitch width: 4
  3. Use appropriate needle size for fabric weight

Adjust thread tension and presser foot accordingly. With the right stitch settings, your hems will look professionally crisp and lie flat.

Place Fabric Under Machine

With the machine ready, place the fabric under the presser foot, aligning the fold line with the needle placement. Keep the crease facing up, in your direction. Adjust the thread tension if needed and press the fabric flat—perfect hem stitches rely on smooth fabric feed.

Hand Hemming

How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (10)
For a professional hand-hemmed finish, use a sharp needle and thread that matches the color of your pants. Carefully catch just a few fibers of the fabric with each stitch, and practice your technique on a scrap piece of material beforehand to perfect the delicate blind hem stitch.

Use Needle and Thread

Thread a needle with thread matching the pants color. For blind hems use:

  1. Needle size 8-10 for lightweight fabrics
  2. Size 10-12 for medium-weight fabrics
  3. Size 14-16 for heavyweight fabrics

Begin stitching, keeping stitches small and even for an invisible hem.

Catch Few Fibers With Each Stitch

Employ the blind stitch, catching just a few fabric fibers with each pass. Pay attention to thread tension and needle size to guarantee clean, invisible stitches. With a moderate stitch length, gently pull the thread taut after each catch for a smooth, professional-looking hem.

Practice on a Scrap

Practice first on a scrap fabric piece, adjusting:

  1. Stitch length
  2. Stitch width
  3. Needle size (for fabric type)
  4. Thread type (weight and color)

    Mastering the technique on a sample guarantees your actual pants’ hem looks impeccable. With some practice, you’ll soon be hemming like a pro!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I hem pants with a cuff?

Ever wondered how to achieve that crisp, sharp look? Here’s a pro tip: cuffing your pants is the secret sauce. Fold the hem up crisply, secure with pins, then stitch away for a refined finish that’ll make you feel like a million bucks.

Can I hem pants without a sewing machine?

Yes, you can hem pants without a machine. Hand-sewing provides more precision, making an invisible blind stitch hem possible. With practice, you’ll master the technique for a polished, professional finish.

How do I hem pants with a lining?

To hem pants with lining, carefully detach the lining from the outer fabric. Hem the outer layer first, trimming any excess lining. Then re-attach the lining neatly to the new hemmed edge.

How do I hem pants with pockets?

Like a well-fitted suit, hemming pants with pockets requires precision. First, transfer the pocket to the new hemline, then tuck and pin the hem before stitching it in place.

How do I hem pants with a pattern?

For patterned pants, carefully match patterns when folding the hem. Pin and baste stitch sections together first. Iron the hem, then topstitch close to the folded edge, securing it neatly.


Whether hemming pants by hand or machine, perfecting the process secures a sharp, professional look. Carefully measuring, pinning, and sewing straight stitches close to the folded edge guarantee a flawless, invisible hem. Master how to hem pants properly, and you’ll never settle for an ill-fitting length again – every stitch matters for polished, personalized style.


How to Hem Pants Easily: a Step-by-Step Guide for Perfect DIY Hemming (2024)


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